Learning HYQT in Cyprus


A stunning location, a few feet from the calm Mediterranean. Birds floating and singing, reminding us to not just be alive but feel our aliveness.

The Day Unfolding

Our group practice starts at 7 am, with practitioners from around the world coming together to create our group Qi field. The practice space is an open deck on the top floor of a building. The sea to one side, rolling hills on the other. Sail-like shades protect from excessive sun during the hour-long movement practice, while the gentle breeze invites us to raise our arms to the sky, unencumbered. We use the practice hour to integrate the teachings — from powerful ways to adjust the mind, to intricate details of Hold Qi Up and Pour Qi Down Practice.

Morning Practice in cyprus

After our powerful morning practice we walk down a beautiful spiral staircase directly to breakfast, which provides an expansive buffet of traditional Mediterranean cuisine. We have a long table to accommodate the 23 participants as we sit together to share our meal and get to know each other beyond our practice. 

The warm air carries several languages around our table, with plenty of contented sighing and laughter. There are nine countries represented in our circle. After breakfast we have free time to manage as we wish, before the full day of training begins.

The training schedule begins at 9:30 am and lasts until 12. It resumes at 2:30 after we receive nourishment from lunch as well as the nature that surrounds us and ends at 5:30pm. There are several evening classes from 7:30 to 8:30 pm where the participants give Qi treatments to each other.

Slideshow from Cyprus

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Happy Time

There is something known as “Happy Time” that is a part of every Hunyuan Qi Therapy event. It’s a time when the participants join — either individually or together with others — to present something to the group.

It can be a personal experience, a video, a poem, a song, or anything the reflects what the person would like to share. Happy Time serves to give participants a greater opportunity to develop a sense of community and connect more deeply. It’s an opportunity to share part of yourself with other people who are pursuing similar goals — releasing what no longer serves them and embracing this new point of life.

Coming up

There is so much I’d like to share with you about my experience in Cyprus, but I am still processing the new information. I am reintegrating into this new point of life and re-imagining what lies ahead at a more profound level. So I plan to delve more deeply into my own and others’ experiences in my next post.