HYQT in Cyprus Continued – New Beginnings


What began as a single day extended into two, three, six… and we continued on. With each passing day, layers of our individual selves were peeled away. While the program’s primary intention is to train us in the art of sending qi (fa qi) to ourselves and others, it also skillfully guides us to navigate our own healing journey with power and compassion.

Building a Close-Knit Community

Quite quickly, we transformed into a close-knit group. As we embraced life and each other, the support and space we provided for one another during emotional, mental, and physical transformation became palpable. Our hugs grew deeper, symbolizing our shared commitment to be present, to face the truths in our lives, and our willingness to ‘do the work’—to look at ourselves, learn, and grow.

As a facilitation team member for a few years now, I have had the privilege of being the ‘big sister’ to the incoming class. While I am not the main facilitator, this role offers me a unique vantage point. I can observe the participants as they focus on the training and our Teacher, Master Yuantong Liu, witnessing their personal processes unfold. I approach this from a place of wonder, discovering each participant and their journey as they absorb the information and allow it to awaken deeper aspects of themselves. In this role, I truly feel like a loving witness.

Though I am on the facilitation team, I am also a participant, undergoing my own healing journey. This dual role has enriched my understanding and connection to the process, as I, too, navigate my personal growth alongside the participants.

Master Yuantong Liu: A True Master

I also observe Master Liu, a true Master, who expertly guides each participant like a seasoned craftsman. His poignant wisdom, passion, and child-like joy are a testament to his dedication to the practice. Watching him encourage participants to delve deeper has been profoundly inspiring. This process has supported my intention to refine my skills as a teacher and, more broadly, to understand our shared humanity. Over the concentrated 10-day experience, each participant faces a microcosm of their life, confronting their core belief systems, joys, and fears.

New Beginnings

As the number of days we spent there increased, the number of days remaining dwindled. It was, in a way, a microcosm of life itself. In the final days, many participants delved even deeper into their inner selves, seeking to unravel and transform further. Everyone was glowing, and we all understood that although the training was coming to an end, it marked the beginning of a new journey. We would now begin to process our profound insights, supported by new friends from around the world who were just a message away.

The last days saw participants diving deeper from already profound places within themselves, unraveling and transforming even more. The glow on everyone’s faces was undeniable. We all knew that while the training was ‘ending,’ it was merely the beginning of a new journey. We would start to process our deep insights and could count on our new friends from around the world for support whenever we reached out to them.

This training occurs annually, and once it begins, there is an online system in place to continue our training together until the certification module in Austria.